Monday, April 2, 2012


I figured that was a good title considering the week this is.  Well, I've owned this blog since 2008 and I stopped it when I found out I was pregnant with Amelia.  I weighed 210lbs the day I stopped that blog and I was at 219 when I started it.  Today I weighed in at 219 so it seems fitting that I start this blog again.

This journey into weight loss and getting healthy is a little different.  I started looking at surgery when I was at a whopping 270 lbs. With high cholesterol and heading quickly towards type 2 diabetes. I looked at all 3 of the major weight loss surgeries (there are 4 but one wasn't relevant to me) and decided on the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy.  This is where the doctor removes 85% of your stomach but that is all.  There is no rerouting of intestines, no malabsorption and no foreign body.  It may seem a bit drastic but the success rate of a person losing more than 100lbs and keeping it off for 5 years is just 3%.  I was getting nowhere fast on my own.  It makes it easier (or else why would anyone do it) but it doesn't make it easy.

Tomorrow, I'll write about how the actual surgery and first two weeks of recovery went.  I'm writing this as much for me as anyone hoping that tracking my journey towards a normal BMI and a healthier me will help ensure I never get back to 270 lbs.  I do hope that somewhere, somehow I may help someone else struggling, either with the decision to have surgery, which surgery, or who is just in despair at the amount of weight they have to lose.

I'll weigh in every Monday:
Start Weight: 270
Surgery Weight: 234
Current Weight: 219
Total Weight Lost: 51 lbs

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